Special Thanks


I would like to give a special thanks to people that helped in my research, purchase, assembly, and maintance of my Jinma Tractor.



Hal Mandelman – The owner/host of the CTOA website and message board.   The one place where anyone can come to look for info or provide assistance, on Chinese tractors.   Thanks for keeping the board and website going, especially in this decline of free and reasonable web hosting services.


Mike Stuart  - The defacto Chinese tractor expert at the CTOA message board.  His many years of experience with all forms of Chinese tractors,  is invaluable to all.  Thanks for putting up with all my questions, comments and concerns.  


Schmalts, 2000fxdl – Frequent contributors to CTOA.  Thanks for all your assistance on the purchase, assembly, and maintaince questions.  You guys delivered exactly what and when you said you would.   Also thanks for putting up with my nervousness and apprehension.


All Others – Thanks to all the contributors on the CTOA board and others that I have exchanged email with.